Counselling of Physical Education and Work Education

Publication of Schedule and other details in respect of Counselling and Personality Test (Interview) of candidate with reference to 1st State Level Selection Test (SLST) for recruitment of Assistant Teachers 2016 in Physical Education and Work Education and Others for Upper primary Level Classes in the State Govt. Aided / Sponsored Schools (Except Hill Region)

Counselling  Physical Education and Work Education

  • Counselling schedule for Work Education and Physical Education from Waitlisted Candidates, Memo No. 1358/6867/CSSC/ESTT/2022 Dated:14.10.2022
  • Personality Test schedule for Recruitment of Assist Teachers in Upper Primary Level Except Physical Education and Work EducationMemo No. 1356/6723(III)/CSSC/ESTT/2022 Dated: 14.10.202
  • Download Corrected (Revised) List, Memo No. 1365/6723(III)/CSSC/ESTT/2022 Dated: 15.10.2022
  • Shifting main office of C.S.S.C to Acharya Sadan for Personality Test (Interview) Memo No. 1388/L-1376/CSSC/ESTT/2022   Date: 19.10.2022
  • Notice in connection with counseling under 1st SLST for Recruitment of Assistant Teachers (Upper Primary Level) in Physical Education and Work Education in Govt Aided/Sponsored Schools (except Hill Region) 2016, Memo No. 1453/6989/CSSC/ESTT/2022 dated 03.011.2022.

4th Counseling for Physical Education and Work Education 2020

Memo No. 295/6867/CSSC/ESTT/2020  Date: 03.03.2020
The Chairman, W B Central School Service Commission
Download Notification (Click here)

This is notified for information of all concerned that aforementioned 4th phase counselling of selection qualification waitlisted candidates in respect of above noted 1st SLST will be held on 06.03.2020 at the premises of the West Bengal Central School Service Commission (WBCSSC) at the address captioned above.

Schedule of counselling and details of vacancies will be notified in the website of commission i.e. in the evening on 04.03.2020.

Intimation (ইন্টিমেশন) letter of counselling can be download by the concerned candidates from the website of the commission i.e. by putting their fourteen (চৌদ্দ সংখ্যা) digit Roll number and date of birth from the evening of 04.03.2020.

NB: No hard copy will be provide.

Sd/- Chairman,
W B Central School Service Commission


Counselling for Work Education and Physical Education from Waitlisted Candidates

Memo No. 1358/6867/CSSC/ESTT/2022   Date: 14.10.2022

In pursuance of Order No. 692-SL/5S-202/2022 (Part) dated 19.05.2022 of School Education Department, Government of West Bengal for filling up of supernumerary posts of Assistant Teachers including Physical Education and Work Education etc in recognized aided/ sponsored schools, it is hereby notified that the counselling process for Assistant Teachers for Work Education and Physical Education from the waitlisted candidates of 1st State Level Selection Test for recruitment of Assistant Teaches (Upper Primary Level: Physical Education and Work Education), 2016 in Government aided/ sponsored schools shall commence from 10.11.2022 by West Bengal Central School Service Commission, according to the following schedule:

10.11.2022 to 11.11.2022
 Work Education
12.11.2022 & 14.11.2022

 Physical Education

Details of the programme shall be uploaded in the postal of the Commission in due time.

Sd/- Chairman
West Bengal Central School Service Commission

Personality Test for recruitment of Assist Teachers in Upper Primary Level

1st State Level Selection Test for Recruitment of Assist Teachers (Upper Primary Level Except Physical Education and Work Education) in Government Aided/Sponsored Schools  
(Except Hill Region)

Memo No. 1356/6723(III)/CSSC/ESTT/2022   Dated: 14.10.2022

In compliance with the solemn order dated 30.09.2022 of the Hon'ble High Court in MAT No. 638 of 2021, the Personality Test of the candidates whose names have been published in the Interview List (on 14.10.2022) will commence from 21.10.2022. Each candidate can download the intimation letter for Interview from the website of the Commission on and from 14.10.2022 in the evening.

All candidates who are called to attend the Interview Board are to bring a set of photocopies of all the relevant testimonials /certificates /documents etc. along with the corresponding originals for verification. At the time of verification of original documents, if any mismatch, misrepresentation of fact and defect or fault is detected the concerned candidate will not be allowed to appear before the to appear before the Interview Board. If any candidate fail to appear on the scheduled date and time of Interview, he/she will not be given any further chance and his/her candidature shall be treated as cancelled without further intimation to him/her.

For further details please visit Commission's Website.
N.B.: No candidate will be allowed T.A. to appear for the Interview.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Central School Service Commission


Summary of Schedule of Personality Test in connection with 1st SLST for Recruitment of Assistant Teaches (Upper Primary Level except Physical Education and Work Education) in Government Aided/Sponsored Schools 
(Except Hill Region)



Bio Science (UP)

 21.10.2022, 22.10.2022, 29.10.2022
Geography (UP) 
21.10.2022, 22.10.2022, 28.10.2022, 29.10.2022 
History (UP) 
22.10.2022, 28.10.2022 
Pure Science (UP) 
29.10.2022, 01.11.2022, 02.11.2022, 03.11.2022, 04.11.2022 
Hindi (UP) 
Urdu (UP) 
Arabic (UP) 
Nepali (UP) 
Bengali (UP) 
01.11.2022, 02.11.2022, 03.11.2022, 04.11.2022 
Sanskrit (UP) 
English (UP)
 01.11.2022, 02.11.2022

Shifting main office of C.S.S.C to Acharya Sadan

The Secretary, West Bengal Central School Service Commission
Memo No. 1388/L-1376/CSSC/ESTT/2022   Date: 19.10.2022

Due to some unforeseen situation, the venue of the Personality Test of 1585 candidates of 1st State Level Selection Test for Recruitment of Assistant Teachers (Upper Primary Level except Physical Education and Work Education) in Government Aided/Sponsored Schools (Except Hill Region) which is scheduled to be held from 21.10.2022 to 04.11.2022 as published vide Memo No. 1356/6723(III) /CSSC/ESTT/2022 Dated 14.10.2022 and Memo No. 1365/6723(III)/CSSC/ESTT/2022 Dated 15.10.2022 is shifted to the main office of the West Bengal Central School Service Commission at Acharya Sadan, 11&11/1, Block-EE, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091.

The venue of Personality Test for Nepali and Arabic, schedule to be held at the office of Regional School Service Commission (Northern region) shall, however, remain unchanged.
All other details of the Personality Test remain the same.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Central School Service Commission

Corrigendum Notice for Corrected List
Memo No. 1365/6723(III)/CSSC/ESTT/2022  Dated: 15.10.2022

List of candidates called for Personality Test in C/W 1st SLST (Assistant Teacher), 2016
Upper Primary Level Except Physical Education and Work Education


Order for correction regarding Personality Test
Memo No. 1393/L-1376/CSSC/ESTT/2022 Date: 19.10.2022

Download Order (Click here) 

Notice in connection with counseling under 1st SLST for Recruitment of Assistant Teachers (Upper Primary Level) in Physical Education and Work Education in Govt Aided/Sponsored Schools (except Hill Region) 2016, Memo No. 1453/6989/CSSC/ESTT/2022 dated 03.011.2022.

Download Notification (Click here)


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