Apply for certified Answer-scripts of Madhyamik under RTI Act

Procedures to apply for certified copy of Answer-scripts of Madhyamik Pariksha under RTI Act 2005, application of RTI for Madhyamik Examination must reach to the Regional Office of the WBBSE Office within 100 days from the date of publication of result of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E) i.e. within September in the year.

Apply for certified Answer-scripts of Madhyamik under RTI Act
  • Procedures for certified Answer-scripts for Madhyamik 2022 under RTI
  • Online application of PPS (Scrutiny) and PPR (Review) for Madhyamik Pariksha 2023
  • RTI for Madhyamik 2024

Procedures for certified Answer-scripts for Madhyamik 2022 under RTI

Procedures to Apply for Certified Copy of Answer Scripts of Madhyamik Pariksha 2022 under RTI Act 2005

The Deputy Secretary (Academic) & SPIO (HQ), West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Memo No. Inf/142/22   Date: 03.06.2022

The application may be done in white paper or in prescribed format given in page no 3 of this notification along with a Court fees of Rs 10/- (Ten rupees) to the following address-

The Address of the Regional Office(s) of the Board
For North Bengal
Kanchanjangha Bhawan
PO: North Bengal University
Dist: Darjeeling, PIN-734013

For Medinipur
Keranitala Chak
PO: Medinipur, 
Dist: Paschim Medinipur, PIN-721101

For Burdwan
Iswarchandra Bhawan
Goods Shed Road, Tinkonia
Dist: Burdwan, PIN-713101

For Kolkata
Nivedita Bhawan, Karunamoyee
Block-DJ-8, Sector-II
Salt Lake City
Kolkata-700 091

  • Roll No. Starting with ''1'' should submit their application at North Bengal Regional Office.
  • Roll No. Starting with ''3'' should submit their application at Burdwan Regional Office.
  • Roll No. Starting with ''5'' should submit their application at Medinipur Regional Office.
  • Roll No. Starting with ''7'' should submit their application at Kolkata Regional Office.

Format of RTI Application for Madhyamik Pariksha (SE) 2022

Format of RTI Application for Madhyamik Pariksha (SE) 2022

PDF of Application (Click here)

Important notes of RTI for Madhyamik 2022

Please Note Some Important Points :
1. Your Application must reach to the respective Regional Office of the Board Office within 100 days from the date of publication of result of  Madhyamik Pariksha (SE) 2022 i.e. within 12th September, 2022 failing which your application shall not be entertained.

2. Photo copy of Mark-sheet must be attached with the application along with phone number.

3. Only certified copy of Answer Scripts (s), as prayed for, under RTI Act, 2005 will be handed over to the candidate or his /her natural or legal guardian showing proper documents of identification/authorization letter of the candidate. No third party will be allowed to obtain certified copy of Answer Script(s).

4. No request for inspection of original Answer Script(s)  shall be entertained.

5. For supply of certified copy of Answer Script(s), a photocopy charge of Rs. 2.00 (Two rupees) only as processing fees shall be applicable per page as per RTI Rule. It must be deposited by the candidate concerned against the receipt of Challan at the respective Regional Office of the Board. Challan will be supplied by the concerned Regional Office.

6. The application will be informed the date and time of Collection of Certified Copy of written Answer Script(s) by Post/Phone.

7. If an applicant has applied for Scrutiny (PPS) / Review (PPR), the RTI Application for Certified Copies can be done just after the publication of PPS/ PPR result.

8. The Application under RTI Act, 2005 is only to collect Certified Copies of written Answer Scripts. There is no connection of re-evaluation with the Application under RTI Act, 2005.

9. The application will be rejected if there are no court fees and /or full signature and/or complete postal address of the applicant is found.

10. No application fees is requested for the candidate who belongs to BPL category as per RTI Act, 2005. In that case self-attested photocopy of necessary certificate must be attached with his / her application.

11. On receipt of prayer regarding any wrong total / wrong caging / unmarked answer, if detected, the same shall be rectified without any extra charge, if applied for within 15 days from the date of receipt of their certified copy of Answer Script(s) and not beyond the stipulated period, under any circumstances.


RTI for Madhyamik 2024

Procedures to Apply for Certified Copy of Answer Scripts of Madhyamik Pariksha 2024 under RTI Act 2005

The Deputy Secretary (Academic)&SPIO (HQ), West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Memo No. Inf/117/24   Date: 02.05.2024

The application may be done in white paper or in prescribed format given in page no 3 of this notification along with a Court fees of Rs 10/- (Ten rupees) to the following address-

The Address of the Regional Office(s) of the Board
For North Bengal
Kanchanjangha Bhawan
PO: North Bengal University
Dist: Darjeeling, PIN-734013

For Medinipur
Keranitala Chak
PO: Medinipur, 
Dist: Paschim Medinipur, PIN-721101

For Burdwan
Iswarchandra Bhawan
Goods Shed Road, Tinkonia
Dist: Burdwan, PIN-713101

For Kolkata
Nivedita Bhawan, Karunamoyee
Block-DJ-8, Sector-II
Salt Lake City
Kolkata-700 091

  • Roll No. Starting with ''1'' should submit their application at North Bengal Regional Office.
  • Roll No. Starting with ''3'' should submit their application at Burdwan Regional Office.
  • Roll No. Starting with ''5'' should submit their application at Medinipur Regional Office.
  • Roll No. Starting with ''7'' should submit their application at Kolkata Regional Office.

Important notes of RTI for Madhyamik 2024

Stipulated fulfilling Conditions for application for certified copy of Answer Script
 of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E.) 2024

1. Your Application must reach the respective Regional Office of the Board Office within 75 days from the date of publication of result of  Madhyamik Pariksha (SE) 2024 i.e. within 16th July, 2024 failing which your application shall not be entertained.

2. Self attested photo copy of Mark-sheet must be attached with the application along with phone number.

3. Only certified copy of Answer Script (s), as prayed for, under RTI Act, 2005 will be handed over to the candidate or his /her natural or legal guardian showing proper documents of identification/ authorization letter of the candidate. No other person will be allowed to obtain certified copy of Answer Script(s).

4. For supply of certified copy of Answer Script(s), a photocopy charge of Rs. 2.00 (Two rupees) only as processing fees shall be applicable per page as per RTI Rule. It must be deposited by the candidate concerned against the receipt of Challan at the respective Regional Office of the Board. Challan will be supplied by the concerned Regional Office.

5. The application will be informed the date and time of Collection of Certified Copy of written Answer Script(s) by Post/Phone.

6. If an applicant has applied for Scrutiny (PPS) / Review (PPR), the RTI application for Certified Copies shall be done just after the publication of PPS/ PPR result only.

7. The Application under RTI Act, 2005 is only to collect Certified Copies of written Answer Script(s). There is no connection of re-evaluation with the Application under RTI Act, 2005.

8. The applications for certified copies of answer scripts made under RTI Act 2005 will be rejected if there are no court fees and /or full signature and/or complete postal address of the applicant along with contact number.

9. No application fees is requested for the candidate who belongs to BPL category as per RTI Act, 2005. In that case self-attested photocopy of appropriate certificate must be attached with his / her application.

10. On receipt of prayer regarding any wrong total / wrong caging / unmarked answer, if detected, the same shall be rectified without any extra charge, if applied for within 15 days from the date of receipt of their certified copy of Answer Script(s) and not beyond the stipulated period, under any circumstances, i.e. applications received after 31st July 2024, shall not be considered.

Sd/- Deputy Secretary (Academic) & SPIO (HQ)
Date: 02.05.2024
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education


Format of RTI Application for Madhyamik Pariksha (SE) 2024

Format of RTI Application for Madhyamik Pariksha (SE) 2022
PDF of Application (Click here)
