Primary Recruitment 2022 for Class I-V
(Last Update on: 22.06.2024)
Primary Recruitment 2022 of TET qualified trained candidates to the post of Assistant Teacher in Government Aided/ Government Sponsored/ Junior Basic Primary Schools for Class I-V conducted by WBBPE (West Bengal Board of Primary Education) as per the NCTE guidelines. The candidates who are interested in the Vacancy details, Syllabus and completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification, Online application for Primary Recruitment 2022 will start from 21st October 2022.
- Download West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules 2016 (Gazette Notification) No.190-SE/EE/10M-06/2009(pt) Dated:02.03.2016
- Public Notification for Primary Recruitment 2022 No. 1573/WBBPE/2022 Dated:29.09.2022
- 1st Addendum Notification for Primary Recruitment 2022 Memo No.1669/WBBPE/2022 dated 19.10.2022
- West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules 2016 (Amendment of Gazette Notification) No. 605-SE/EE/P/10M-6/09(Pt VII) Dt: 22.12.2020
- Recruitment Notification for Vacancy Position and Launching of Application Portal, No. 1573(Part-I)/WBBPE/2022 Date: 21.10.2022
- Corrigendum in respect of Application Fees for Primary School Teachers Recruitment 2022 Memo No. 1573(Part-II)/WBBPE/2022 Date: 22.10.2022
- Notification regarding Certificate/Diploma/Bachelor in Physical Education for Primary School Teachers Recruitment 2022 Memo No. 1704/WBBPE/2022 Date: 28.10.2022
- Notice for Interview/ Viva-Voice and Aptitude Test 2023 for Primary Teachers Recruitment
- Inviting applications from the reserved category candidates who have obtained 82 in TET-2014 (held on 11.10.2015) and declared as TET qualified in compliance with the order of the Hon'ble High Court, Calcutta passed on 09.11.2022 and in other similar writ petitions to participate in recruitment process as notified on 29.09.2022.No. 654/WBBPE/2023 Date:20.03.2023
- Notification for Inviting applications from all intending eligible TET qualified candidates having 50% marks in post-graduation and B.Ed as training qualification to participate in the process of Recruitment 2022, No.1052/WBBP/2023 Date: 11.05.2023
- Hon'ble High Court orders of Service termination 36,000 Primary Teachers on 12.05.2023, Download Order copy in Bengali and English language.
- Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 16th Phase by WBBPE, Memo No.1107/WBBPE/2023 Date: 18.05.2023
- Pertaining to breakup of total marks of the last empanelled candidates in panels prepared in the 2016 Recruitment Process based on district opted, medium cast and category, download list of empanelled Candidates for Recruitment 2016.
- Permitting candidates having any other training qualification before 29.09.2022 to alter their training qualification for the 2022 Recruitment Process, Memo No. 1262/WBBPE/2023 Date:05.06.2023
- TET Certificate Distribution 2024 as life time validity.
Notification for Primary Recruitment 2022
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
The Secretary, WBBPE
No. 1573/WBBPE/2022 Date: 29.09.2022
Recruitment of TET qualified trained candidates to the posts of Assistant Teacher in Government Aided/Government Sponsored/ Junior Basic Primary Schools
This is to notify for all concerned that the West Bengal Board Primary Education (WBBPE) is going to recruit TET qualified trained candidates of West Bengal seeking appointment to the post of Assistant Teacher in Government Aided/ Government Sponsored/ Junior Basic Primary Schools against the State wide position of vacancy to be declared later on.
The selection and appointment of the candidates shall be made strictly in terms of West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules 2016 (amended up to date).
1. Vacancy and Reservation Criteria
Candidate shall apply for the post of primary school teacher against a State wide declared vacancy position. Preference for district shall be taken at the time of online application (Subject to availability of appropriate medium wise and category wise vacancy).
The reservation quota for the candidate belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC-A and OBC-B), Exempted Categories (EC), Ex-Serviceman and for Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates shall be maintained as per the existing reservation norms of the Government of West Bengal.
2. Scale of Pay
Basic Rs.28900/- plus Dearness Allowance (DA) as admissible plus House Rant Allowance (HRA)@12% of the basic plus Medical Allowance (MA) as admissible.
3. Qualification
(a) No person shall be appointment by the concerned District Primary School Council/ Primary School Council as an Assistant Teacher unless he/she is a citizen of India and has completed the age of 18 years as on 1st day of January of the year of advertisement (i.e 01.01.2022) and has not completed the age of 40 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement (i.e 01.01.2022). Relaxation of age as per the existing rule of the State Government is admissible.
(b) The candidate shall possess the minimum educational and training qualification as prescribed by the National Council for Teacher Education prevailing as on date of publication of recruitment notification.
TET qualified candidates who are undergoing D.El.Ed/D.Ed (Special Education)/B.Ed Training (Session 2020-2022) and who have qualified in D.El.Ed/D.Ed (Special Education) /B.Ed Training Part-I examination (Session 2020-2022) will be given opportunity to participate in the recruitment process to be initiated by the Board.
(c) Passed in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), conducted by the West Bengal Board Primary Education (WBBPE), in accordance with the guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.
Candidates belonging to reserved category viz candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC-A and OBC-B), Exempted Categories (EC), Ex-Serviceman and for Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates shall be allowed relaxation up to 5% in the qualifying marks.
(d) Ability to read, write and speak in the language relating to the medium of schools for which the candidate wishes to apply.
Any candidate seeking appointment to the post of primary school teacher shall have studied and passed in the specific language as the first or second language in the Higher Secondary Level or equivalent for which medium of instruction, the candidate is seeking appointment. Provided that in case of Santhali as medium of instruction, the candidate shall only be required to possess proficiency of reading, writing and speaking in Santhali. Here, Santhali means Santhali in Ol-Chiki Script. It shall not be obligatory for the candidates seeking appointment to the post of Primary school teacher in Santhali medium schools to have passed in the specific language as the first or the second language in the Higher Secondary Level or its equivalent for which medium of instruction, the candidate is seeking appointment.
In case of the certificate issued by the authority other than the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, the said certificate issuing authority shall either be set up as a statutory authority or the said certificate issuing authority shall be authorized by the Government of India or by the State Government of the concerned State, as the case may be, for issuing Higher Secondary Level certificates.
All candidates must have studied and obtained Madhyamik (Secondary) Pass Certificate or its equivalent with Mathematics and English as subjects.
The equivalent of Madhyamik certificates means the said certificate issuing authority shall either be set up on the basis of provisions of a legislation passed by the Government of India or by the State Government of the concerned State and or as the said statutory authority must be authorized by the Government of India or by the State Government of the concerned State, as the case may be, for issuing Secondary Level certificates.
The decision of State Government on the question of equivalence shall be final.
10% of the vacant posts earmarked for Para-teachers.
Provided that the qualifications for such categories of candidates shall be the same as mentioned in the rules:
After prima facie scrutiny of the duly filled application form submitted by the candidate having NCTE prescribed qualification and fulfilling the conditions as prescribed in West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules 2016 (amended up to date) will be called for the Scrutiny/Verification of the testimonials, Viva-voce/ Interview and Aptitude Test.
(The eligible candidates will be intimated of their respective venues, date and time of their Scrutiny/Verification of the testimonials, Viva-voce/Interview and Aptitude Test in due course).
4. Application Fees
Rs.200/- for General candidates, Rs.150/-for Other Backward Classes (OBC-A and OBC-B) candidates and Rs.100/- for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and for Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates.
The candidates may pay the examination fee either by credit cad/debit card/internet banking. The additional processing charges will be applicable.
5.The Recruitment Notification and the Application Form will be available in the websites on or after 21.10.2022.
6. The steps to be followed for online application (how to apply) will be available in the aforesaid websites.
Sd/- Dr. R.C Bagchi
Secretary, WBBPE
Important events of online application for Primary Recruitment
Sl No | Online Application for Primary Recruitment 2022 |
1. | Online Application Available from 21.10.2022 |
2. | Application Fees General Candidates Rs.200/- OBC-A and OBC-B Candidates Rs.150/- SC/ST/PH candidates Rs.100/- |
3. | Payment Mode for application Credit Card/Debit Card/ Internet Banking |
4. | Last Date of Online Application 21.10.2022 to 14.11.2022 |
5. | Primary Recruitment Examination Date 11th December 2022 |
For more information please Contact-
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake
Kolkata 700 091
Contact Number: 9073385143
Time : Monday to Saturday 10:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs
Download Vacancy details and Syllabus for Primary Recruitment 2022
Sl No | Notification/Amendment/Circular | Download |
1. | Vacancy Details for Primary Recruitment 2022 (Total Vacancy 11765) | |
2. | How to Apply for Primary Recruitment 2022 | |
3. | Frequently Asked Questions for Primary Recruitment 2022 | FAQ |
4. | Inviting applications from the reserved category candidates who have obtained 82 in TET-2014 (held on 11.10.2015) and declared as TET qualified in compliance with the order of the Hon'ble High Court, Calcutta passed on 09.11.2022 and in other similar writ petitions to participate in recruitment process as notified on 29.09.2022. No. 654/WBBPE/2023 Date:20.03.2023 | Notification 20.03.2023 |
5. | Authentication of Register of Appointment (ROA) of Assistant Teacher for the purpose of finalization of vacancies for recruitment of Upper Primary Teachers under 1st SLST 2016 Memo No. 129/LAW Date: 18.08.2023 | ROA Authentication 18.08.2023 |
Notification/Order/Amendment/Circular for Primary Recruitment 2022
Sl No | Notification/Amendment/Circular | Download |
1. | Notification for Recruitment of TET qualified trained candidates to the posts of Assistant Teacher in Govt Aided/Govt Sponsored/ Junior Basic Primary Schools | |
2. | West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules 2016 (Gazette Notification) | |
3. | Public Notification for Primary Recruitment 2022 | |
4. | 1st Addendum Notification (Ref Notification No. 1573/WBBPE/2022 dated 29.09.2022) | |
5. | West Bengal Primary School Teachers Recruitment Rules 2016 (Amendment of Gazette Notification) | |
6. | Recruitment Notification for Vacancy Position and Launching of Application Portal | |
7. | Corrigendum in respect of Application Fees for Primary School Teachers Recruitment 2022 | |
8. | Notification regarding Certificate/Diploma/Bachelor in Physical Education for Primary School Teachers Recruitment 2022 | |
9. | Notification for Interview /Viva-Voice and Aptitude Test 3rd and 4th Phase | |
10. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-Voice and Aptitude Test 6th Phase, Bardhaman District |
Sl No | Notification/Amendment/Circular | Download |
11. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 7th Phase, Birbhum District Memo No.483/WBBPE/2023 Date: 28.02.2023 | |
12. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 8th Phase, Howrah District Memo No.568/WBBPE/2023 Date: 10.03.2023 | |
13. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 9th Phase, Jhargram District Memo No.663/WBBPE/2023 Date: 21.03.2023 | 21.03.2023 |
14. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 10th Phase to 15th Phase Memo No.685/WBBPE/2023 Date: 23.03.2023 | Six Districts 23.03.2023 |
15. | For re-opening the portal for submission of application from the reserved category candidates who have obtained 82 in TET-2014 (held on 11.10.2015) and declared as TET qualified in compliance with the order of the Hon'ble High Court, Calcutta passed on 09.11.2022 and in other similar writ petitions to participate in recruitment process as notified on 29.09.2022 No. 728/WBBPE/2023 Date: 27.03.2023 | Notification 27.03.2023 |
16. | Corrigendum No.781/WBBPE/2023 Date: 03.04.2023 | Corrigendum 03.04.2023 |
17. | Concerning cancellation of participation of D.El.Ed/D.Ed (Special Education)/B.Ed Training (session 2020-2022) candidates in the 2022 Recruitment Process Memo No. 843/WBBPE/2023 Date: 13.04.2023 | 13.04.2023 |
18. | Inviting applications from all intending eligible TET qualified candidates to participate in the process of Recruitment 2022 in compliance with the order of Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta dated 25.11.2022, 06.12.2022 and Other similar orders No.914/WBBP/2023 Date: 24.04.2023 | 24.04.2023 |
19. | Notification for Inviting applications from all intending eligible TET qualified candidates having 50% marks in post-graduation and B.Ed as training qualification to participate in the process of Recruitment 2022 (Ref: WPA 1020 of 2021 & other similar cases) No.1052/WBBP/2023 Date: 11.05.2023 | Notification 11.05.2023 |
20. | Hon'ble High Court orders of Service termination 36,000 Primary Teachers | (English) 12.05.2023 |
Sl No | Notification/Amendment/Circular | Download |
21. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 16th Phase by WBBPE Memo No.1107/WBBPE/2023 Date: 18.05.2023 | Notification 18.05.2023 |
22. | Pertaining to breakup of total marks of the last empanelled candidates in panels prepared in the 2016 Recruitment Process based on district opted, medium cast and category. No. 1154/WBBPE/2023 Date:23.05.2023 | |
23. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 17th Phase by WBBPE Memo No.1184/WBBPE/2023 Date: 26.05.2023 | 26.05.2023 |
24. | Permitting candidates having any other training qualification before 29.09.2022 to alter their training qualification for the 2022 Recruitment Process Memo No. 1262/WBBPE/2023 Date:05.06.2023 | Notification 05.06.2023 |
25. | Notice for Interview/ Viva-voice and Aptitude Test 18th Phase by WBBPE Memo No.1306/WBBPE/2023 Date: 12.06.2023 | Notification 12.06.2023 |
26. | Authentication of Register of Appointment (ROA) of Assistant Teacher for the purpose of finalization of vacancies for recruitment of Upper Primary Teachers under 1st SLST 2016 Memo No. 129/LAW Date: 18.08.2023 | Authentication 18.08.2023 |
27. | Pertaining to publication of State wide Merit List of candidates, for recommendation / appointment to the posts of Assistant Teacher in Govt Aided / Govt Sponsored/ Junior Basic Primary Schools across West Bengal for the 2022 Primary Teachers' Recruitment Rules 2016 Memo No. 89/WBBPE/2024 Date:31.01.2024 | |
Online application through official website for Primary Recruitment 2022
from 21.10.2022 to 14.11.2022
Online apply now (Click here)
Apply Now (Click here)
Most updated/Important News |
➤Conduction of TET-2022 for Class I-V by WBBPE as per the NCTE Guidelines Online Application from 14.10.2022 TET-2022 for Class I -V (Click here) |
➤Counselling and Personality Test for Upper Primary Level 2022 with Physical Education & Work Education Download List of Candidates Counseling & Personality Test for U.Primary (Click here) |
➤ Primary Recruitment TET 2014 Court Case update 2022 TET 2014 Court Case (Click here) |
➤Primary Counselling 2024 (Click here)
➤TET Certificate Distribution 2024 (Click here)
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