Additional Nutrition to Students under PM-Poshan
Additional Nutrition to Students under PM-Poshan, Additional Nutrition Guideline 2023 for Mid-day-Meal from January to April 2023, download Schedule and Utilization Certificate for Additional Nutrition 2023.
- Download Weekly Menu Chart for Addition Nutrition 2023
- Inspection 16th to 20th January of PM-Poshan in Schools, download Format
- Duties and Responsibility for Mid-day-Meal Programme, download Guideline
- Visit JRM in the State of West Bengal during 30th January to 6th February 2023
- Special Audit of PM-Poshan Scheme, 8th February 2023
- Special Audit on Implementation of PM-Poshan (CMDMP) Scheme, Memo No. 97(28)/MDM Date:10.04.2023
- Updated news regarding Mid-day-Meal
- Preparedness of Schools and PM-Poshan on reopening after Summer Vacation 2023
- Safety Clinic at Mid-day-Meal Schools 2024
Transfer of Allotment of fund for Additional Nutrition
The Project Director, Mid-day-Meal Programme
School Education Department, Government of West Bengal
Memo No. 09(25)-ES(CMDMP)/FUND-01/2021 (Pt-I) Dated: 03.01.2023
Transfer of Allotment of fund for Additional Nutrition to Students
under PM-Poshan through PFMS for 2022-2023
Download Notification (Click here)
I am directed to say that the Mid-day-Meal Project Office, West Bengal under School Education Department has transferred an amount of Rs. 371,90,78,400/- (Rupees three hundred and seventy one crore ninety lakh seventy eight thousand and four hundred only) for Additional Nutrition to students under PM-Poshan at school level as Allotment grant for 4 moths (January 2023 to April 2023) to the 24 SNA Accounts in respect of 24 District Nodal Officers including Kolkata, for Mid-day-Meal Scheme for 2022-2023 through PFMS. Additional nutrition will include Egg/Chicken / Seasonal fruits which may please be added with normal PM-Poshan on weekly basis for 4 (four) months from January 2023 to April 2023.
2. Extra cost for additional nutrition per week per student will be @ Rs.20/-. The duration will be for 16 weeks. Date-wise weekly distribution scheme is given in Annexure-II.
3. Now Rs.20/- X 16 weeks = Rs.320/- is allotted in total for each student which will be transferred at a time to each school from respective SNA accounts through PFMS from Block Level.
Component may be treated as "Cooking Cost" Head.
4. The district-wise breakup of above funds is referred in Annexure-I and Expenditure Limit and Child Limit breakup in Annexure-III.
5. The District Nodal Officers of the District including Kolkata are requested to sub-allot the fund hierarchy-wise through PFMS at the earliest. He will also submit Utilization Certificate (U.C) in due course as per Annexure-IV.
Yours faithfully
Sd/- Project Director, CMDMP
Date: 03.01.2023
Additional Nutrition 2023
Annexure-I (Click here)
Date wise weekly Distribution Schema 2023
Annexure-II (Click here)
06.02.2023 to 11.02.2023
13.02.2023 to 21.02.2023
20.02.2023 to 25.02.2023
27.02.2023 to 04.03.2023
06.03.2023 to 11.03.2023
13.03.2023 to 18.03.2023
20.03.2023 to 25.03.2023
27.03.2023 to 01.04.2023
03.04.2023 to 08.04.2023
10.04.2023 to 13.04.2023
17.04.2023 to 20.04.2023
Break up of total Expenditure limit and Child Agency Limit for PFMS
Annexure-III (Click here)
Weekly Menu Chart for Addition Nutrition 2023
Oder No. 04/MDM/2023 Date: 10.01.2023
Download Menu Chart (Click here)
The following weekly Menu Chart is to be adhered by all the institutions in the district of Murshidabad under the PM-Poshan (CMDMP) Scheme for serving as Mid-day-Meal Menu under the special Nutrition drive and as Additional Nutrition for the Mid-day-Meal takers in the district.
খাবারের মেনু
খিচুড়ি + তরকারী + মরসুমী ফল
All concerned are directed to strictly comply with the above ''Weekly Menu Chart'' without any exceptions. All BDOs /Chairman of Municipalities shall undertake regular inspection and Head of The Institute's must ensure that the chart is properly displayed in a prominent place at the school buildings /institution for wide publicity.
Sd/-for District Magistrate
Date: 10.01.2023
Weekly Menu Chart (Click here)
Utilization Certificate Proforma 2023
Week wise Additional Nutrition from 9th January 2023 to 29th April 2023
Download Utilization Certificate Proforma (Click here)
Monthly Expenditure Certificate of Additional Nutritious Food items in Mid-day-Meal
Download Certificate (Click here)
Transfer of Allotment of fund through PFMS 2022-2023
Transfer of Allotment of fund through PFMS for contingent expenditure at School level under Cooked Mid-day-Meal Programme (CMDMP) through PFMS for 2022-2023
The Project Director, Mid-day-Meal Programme,
School Education Department, Government of West Bengal
Memo No. Memo No. 01(25)-ES(CMDMP)/FUND-01/2021 (Pt-I) Dated: 02.01.2023
Transfer of Fund 2023 (Click here)
Visit of 13th Joint Review Mission (JRM) in the State of West Bengal
F. No.10-3/2022-PM-POSHAN-1-1 (EE.5) Dated: 13.01.2023
Important Instruction of State Authority from Today's V.C i.e on 15.01.2023 at 2.30 pm
1. Random and continious inspection of Mid-day-Meal to be held from 16.01.2023 to 20.01.2023.
2. Inspection to be conducted by DDSE, District authority, DI/s (Primary Education and Secondary Education), A.I of Schools, S.I of Schools.
3. All Schools to be covered within 20.01.2023.
4. School must maintain:
(a) Daily cleaning of School compound, Kitchen shed and dining hall, proper maintain hygiene the place of Mid-day-Meal taking.
(b) Cleanliness/ Uniform of S.H.G and utensils.
(c) Clear of Mid-day-Meal logo.
(d) Display of Menu Chart and poster of Mid-day-Meal programme.
(e) Store room to be cleaned.
(f) Nutrition to be maintained properly.
(g) Register of Mid-day-Meal to be updated and office copy of U.C of Mid-day-Meal to be preserved.
Mid-day-Meal Visiting schedule & formation of Team (Click here)
Duties and Responsibility for Mid-day-Meal Programme
Duties and Responsibility of various officials connected with Mid-day-Meal Programme in the State
The Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Memo No. 394-(26)ES(CMDMP)/MTG-05/2010PT-II Date: 14.12.2018
Ref No. 111-CS/2011 Dated: 09.06.2011
Duties & Responsibility of Mid-day-Meal (Click here)
Visit JRM in the State of West Bengal during 30th January to 6th Ferbruary
Government of India
Ministry of Education
Department of School Education and Literacy
(PM-POSHAN Scheme)
F. No.10-3/2022-PM-POSHAN-1-1 (EE.5) Dated: 25.01.2023
The Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Terms of reference to JRM (Click here)
Special Audit on Implementation of PM-Poshan (CMDMP) Scheme
The Addl. District Magistrate (Panchayat), Paschim Medinipur
Memo No. 97(28)/MDM Date: 10.04.2023
Ref: Memo No.235-ES(PM POSHAN)/Spl. Audit-04/2023 dated 10.04.2023
of the Projeect Director, (PM POSHAN), S.E Deptt.
Notification (Click here)
Enclosed please find herewith a copy of letter received from the Project Director, PM-Poshan vide Memo No. 235-ES(PM POSHAN)/Spl. Audit-04/2023 dated 10.04.2023 which is self explanatory.
You are requested to cooperate for production of records /information /replies related to Mid-day-Meal as when necessary by the Audit Team so that they are able to perform their scheduled job properly within the specific time. The team may visit some schools also.
Sd/- Addl. District Magistrate (Panchayat)
Paschim Medinipur
Date: 10.04.2023
Memorandum, Notification and Order regarding Additional Nutrition
to Students under PM-Poshan 2023
Sl No
Download Pdf
Format for Inspection of PM-Poshan in Schools
Mid-day-Meal Negligence of Duties Malda District
Inspection Order, Uttar Dinajpur No. 17/DM/MDM Dated:16.01.2023
Weekly Menu Chart Order, Purba Medinipur Memo No. 54/BDO/MDM Dated: 09.01.2023
Week wise Additional Nutrition Menu Chart Nadia District Memo No. 119/1(4)/NAK Dated: 09.01.2023 |
School Level Monitoring Committee for PM-Poshan 2023
Introduction of millets in Cooked Mid-day-Meal Programme Memo No.166(24)-ES(CMDMP)/FOOD-01/2023 Date:09.03.2023
Sl No | Subject/Purpose | Download Pdf |
11. | Preparedness of Schools and PM-Poshan on reopening after Summer Vacation 2023 Memo No. 1206 Date: 13.06.2023 | Purulia 13.06.2023 |
➤Safety Clinic at Mid-day-Meal Schools 2024 (Click here)
➤Menu chart of PM-POSHAN Scheme (Click here)
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