U-DISE Plus Online and Offline DCF Guidelines

U-DISE Plus, Online and Offline DCF Guideline for all Schools, information of School Database of all schools including privet schools, Madrasahs, SSK/MSK, JNV, KV, CBSE, ICSC etc.should be provided to a sub-model of Banglar Shikha Portal for the current year. Guideline of online DCF or offline DCF for U-DISE Plus which is to be furnished trough Banglar Shikha Portal. Download Data Capture Format (DCF) for U-DISE+ and Time schedules for implementation of UDISE+ in Schools, go to U-DISE Plus Portal.

  • U-DISE: 2023-2024
  • U-DISE Plus : 2024-2025

Collection of Information on UDISE Plus 2024-2025

The State Project Director, PBSSM
Memo No. 28(24)/PBSSM-17011/4/2024-MIS SEC-PBSSM  Date: 10.06.2024

This is to inform you that it has been decided, that Data Capture Format for U-DISE 2024-2025 will remain as same as previous year Data Capture Format except some minor changes which is marked as green color in U-DISE+ 2024-2025 DCF and the same UDISE module may be used for UDISE+ 2024-2025 data entry. Capturing student enrollment data through Student module of Banglar Shiksha Portal like last year, which is at present going on. Accordingly, the Guideline and Timelines for UDISE + 2024-2025 activity is attached for your ready reference.

You are requested to initiate the process of UDISE+ 2024-2025 by downloading and distributing the filled in DCF with a copy of blank DCF to all Primary and Upper primary/ Secondary / Higher Secondary Schools immediately. The HOI(s) of schools may download those from their own log in. After data entry by all schools the filled up DCF to be checked thoroughly for ensuring 100% consistency of information as collected at CRC level. It may kindly be noted that an online module has been added in UDISE+ at CPC/ Block level for data comparison of previous year's data with current year's data to facilitate date checking, suitable monitoring mechanism may also be developed so that all activities are completed within the specified time schedule.

In this regards a meeting through V.C. will be held very shortly. Date,time and link of the meeting will be shared soon. You are requested to attend the V.C. with your technical personnel.

Yours faithfully

Sd/- State Project Director
Date: 10.06.2024

Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+)
Date Capture Format for 
Academic Year 2024-2025
for Schools of Grade Pre-primary to Class-12
Department of School Education and Literacy
Ministry of Education, Government of India


Guidelines for Executing UDISE+ for the Academic Year 2024-2025

UDISE+ 2024-2025 has three sections (I) School Information, (II) Teacher Information and (III) Student Information. Like last year this year also, only school and Teacher information will be collected online in UDISE+ sub module of Banglar Shiksha Portal and Student information will be collected from Banglar Shiksha Portal only and which have already going on.

General Instructions

The UDISE+ software is online in nature. Since all schools may not have internet facility, schools are given with the option of filling the questionnaire/DCF offline where internet facility is not available. However, at the CLRC level, the entire data entry should be done in online in UDISE+ 2024-2025 sub module of Banglar Shiksha Portal.

         1. The soft copy of manual and pre-filled DCF and blank DCF of UDISE+ 2024-2025 for (I) School Information, (II) Teacher Information are available in portal for downloading.

         2. Before filling up / checking (Pre-filled data) the DCF, all concerned officials are requested to go through the manuals properly for filling up the same.

          3. The schools which have internet access have to provide data directly in the online UDISE+ software, hosted in Banglar Shiksha Portal.

       4. Schools that do not have any internet access shall have to fill up or edit the hard copy of UDISE+ DCF provided by the districts. The Block MIS Coordinator / Data Entry Operator shall feed the data of all such schools online using the said UDISE+ module in Circle office under the supervision of the school S.Is.

          5. The information is to be furnished with respect of all schools in the State as per the UDISE School code including private schools, Madrassa, SSK/MSK, CBSE, ICSE etc. The district should take utmost care for covering all schools.

           6. UDISE+ data in respect of JNV / KVS will be filled by them directly and certification will be done by KVS / JNV Commissioner.

          7. Correct and authentic data based on school registers and other office records should be entered in the DCF. Financial data pertains to the period from 1st April to 31st March will be considered.

         8. All data must be verified by the following officials:
               i. For Senior Secondary and Secondary schools : Principal / Vice Principal / HM / TIC.
               ii. For Elementary Schools : Head Master / TIC.
               iii. For Primary Schools and Upper Primary Schools : Head Teachers / Teacher in charge.

   The above mentioned authorities should be very careful in filling up the data and ensure that the data is correct. Full responsibility has to be taken by the concerned officials for filling up the data.

          9. In case of Schools filling Online DCF, Filled-up / edit DCF by the schools is to be 100% checking by Shiksha Bandhus under guidance of S.I. of school and is to be kept in the school for data entry directly from concerned schools having internet facility.

        10. In case of Schools not having internet facility, they shall fill in offline DCF. 100% checking has to be done by the Shiksha Bandhus for these. Filled-up DCF by schools and then it is to be submitted to CLRC.

        11. For new school creation, District MIS has to apply with proper documents (i.e. No Objection Certificate and other official documents) of the school in udiseplus.gov.in website. After getting the UDISE+ code from MoE, GoI, District will provide the certificate of new schools, with sign of the authority.

          12. In case of changes of basic information of schools, SI of schools should apply from his / her login.

        13. For new school initialization :- After getting new school code from MHRD, GoI, school will refelected in district login. District MIS will fillup the rest of the information of that new school and save. After that the school will be ready for login at school level to enter the UDISE+ information.

         14. There is a provision at every login level to generate the lists containing information on schools given below:
(a) Every section wise report
(b) List of schools with Zero teachers
(c) List of schools with one teachers
(d) List of schools with one classroom
(e) List of schools with zero classroom
(f) List of schools having no Boys toilets
(g) List of schools having no Boys toilets functional
(h) List of schools having no Girls toilets
(i) List of schools having no Girls toilets functional
(j) List of schools no hand wash facility in toilets
(k) List of schools with no CWSN Toilets
(l) List of schools with no CWSN Toilets Functional
(m) List of schools having no Electricity
(n) List of schools having no Ramp
(o) List of schools having no Drinking Water
(p) List of schools having no Drinking Water not functional
(q) List of schools no library
(r) List of schools no playground
(s) List of schools no hand washing facility before and after meal
(t) List of schools have no dustbin in each classroom
(u) List of schools have no dustbin in toilets
(v) List of schools have no dustbin in kitchen
(w) List of schools non availability of Kitchen shed
(x) List of schools non availability of Dining Hall
(y) Etc.

                15. In case of any technical clarification/seeking explanation regarding UDISE+ 2024-2025 at any level, District officials are requested to understand the problem from down level and send the same to udisepluspbssm@gmail.com and also to NIC.


UDISE+ application basically manage or monitoring through top to bottom. Hence it is handled at different levels as follow:

State Level
  • State Level : In State levels, there are two types of roles available
  • State MIS : Handling the Admin activities like Creation and updating of schools. Checking school data
  • State Project Director (SPD) : Monitoring and viewing

District Level
  • District Level : Same as State, there are four types of roles available
  • District MIS : Responsible for the Monitoring and checking of School data and Finalize
  •  Dis Primary : Responsible for Monitoring and viewing
  • Dis Secondary : Responsible for Monitoring and viewing
  • District Education Officer (DEO) : Responsible for Monitoring and viewing and certification at District level

Block Level
  • Block Level : At Block level, there is one type of roles present
  • Block MIS: Responsible for the Monitoring and View.

Circle Level
  • Circle Level : At Circle level, there is one type of roles present
  • SIs : Responsible for school updating, checking , Finalize and certification at Circle level

School Level
  • School Level : Data entry, checking and certification

Responsibility in School Level

  • 1. To make the provision for editing the UDISE+ 2024-2025 DCF form at school level.
  • 2. The entire data of UDISE+ 2023-2024 may be populated for UDISE+ 2024-2025.
  • 3. There is an opportunity to check and verify the populated data for 2024-25 and edit the data, if required by the concerned Head of the School/Institution.
  • 4. School basic information like School Management, School Category, Lowest and Highest Class etc. should match with Student portal. Head of the Institute should take utmost care in this regards.
  • 5. Regular Teacher information should be matched with i-OSMS (v2) portal data for Dept. of Schools Education, Govt. Sponsored and Recognised Madrasa management school. Head of the Institute should take utmost care in this regards.
  • 6. After verifying and editing the data, the full proof data of UDISE+ of the concerned schools/Institutions to be freezed and automatically posted to Circle level and as well as Block Level with Certificate.

Responsibility in Circle Level

  • 1. At the Circle Level there is a provision to find out the discrepancies, if any, pertaining to any schools/Institution as compared to the data for the said schools/Institution of previous year (2023-2024). 
  • 2. The discrepancies if found out relating to any school/Institutions, the data of the concerned schools to be un-freezed by SIs of School and inform the concerned schools for making necessary corrections in relation to the data of the previous year.
  • 3. If the concerned schools feel necessary corrections (if think proper) to be made as informed by Circle level and after making necessary corrections at school end and freezed the data again accordingly.
  • 4. After confirming the entire UDISE+ data of the concerned Circle covering all schools in its jurisdiction is to be freezed and automatically posted to District Level with Certificate.

Responsibility in District Level

  • 1. At the District Level there is a provision to find out the discrepancies, if any, pertaining to any schools/Institution as compared to the data for the said schools/Institution of previous year (2023-2024).
  • 2. The discrepancies if found out relating to any school/Institutions of the respective circle/block, the data of the concerned schools of the said circle/block is to be un-freezed by District MIS under supervision of District Education Officer / D.I.s of Primary and D.I.s of Secondary and is to be inform to the concerned circle/block for making necessary corrections in relation to the data of the previous year.
  • 3. Similar procedure is to be maintained as mentioned in the Circle Level.

Responsibility in State Level

  • 1. At the State Level similar procedure is to be followed at mentioned at district level

Calendar Activities for implementation of UDISE+ 2024-2025

Sl No
Time Line
Meeting with the district 
By 12th June 2024
Sharing of log in credentials at all levels 
By 20th June 2024 
Meeting with SIs 
By 24/25 June 2024 
 District Officials
Meeting with HOIs
 By 27th June 2024
District & Circle Level Officials 
Download of UDISE+ 2024-2025 Pre-filled DCF and blank DCF and Manuals from Portal
 By 28th June 2024
Data entry and edit 
By 31st July 2024 
Data verification at Circle level (to be done simultaneously) and submission to district level after proper sample checking and certification
By 14th August 2024 
 Circle Level
Data verification and Finalization of data by districts after validations and proper sample checking and certification at District Level
 By 30th August 2024
 District Office

Sd/- State Project Director
Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission


Updated news reading U-DISE 

Sl. No
 Download PDF
Letter of SPD, PBSSM regarding intimation about allotment of fund for completion of U-DISE+2022 activities and completion of 100% student data entry /updation in e-portal for synchronization of e-portal with U-DISE+2022
Memo No. 275/SSA  Date:21.02.2023

Nadia: 21.02.2023


DCF for U-DISE Plus (Click here)
Student's DCF (Click here)
DCF for Students (Click here)

Go to U-DISE Plus Portal (Click here)

U-DISE 2023-2024 (Click here)